regenerating land + livelihoods

Integrating Permaculture + yoga for a better life

Working towards personal, collective, and planetary well being in a new and dynamic way.


New Earth Yoga

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Identifying the problems.

Envisioning a better future.

Taking the necessary steps towards collective abundance.


Body and land go hand and hand. To neglect our soils is to neglect our souls. 

What does the land need? What do our bodies need?

Deep sincere listening. By becoming more available to listen to the warning signs whether it’s the whispers or shouts of the body + land we can see the necessary steps to take towards harmony and health for ourselves and the Earth. When a symptom arises whether it’s a runny nose or climate change – try to be available to ask why, and what does it need? Does it need more rest? More attention? More Love? Once you feel with every cell of your being what it needs – act. Do the necessary things. With deliberate loving intention. Mistakes will happen, you can always tweak, adjust, and start again – with more experience every time. Non-judgement for self and other is key for this kind of deep healing. Believe you got this! I believe in you. 

Know your local plants just as well as your local people. Get to know and love the functions and aspects of the individuals (plant + person). See the bigger system at play and how it is all connected at the same time. It may feel overwhelming at times – try to focus on one thing/moment at a time. Consistency is key. We’re in it for the long game.  

We are all connected.

We are awakening one by one, and realizing it is our mission to create a new world that is abundant with love, and in harmony with nature. We all have our part to play in this mission, and our roles look different to each other, and we are here to support your true expression. By tuning into nature we receive feedback, from there we are envisioning a better future, and then taking the necessary steps. For us at New Earth Permaculture our role as we feel is to help people reconnect with their body, mind, soul, and nature as a whole. By implementing permaculture systems on any land we can work, we are creating a new model of agriculture from the roots up. We also are helping people reconnect with themselves by teaching yoga, breathwork, and other tools to become more connected to your true power. Our community is growing and we are looking for more people who feel called to help bring peace and harmony back to the earth.

Connection is the key

We are currently experiencing a trauma that is a result of a disconnection to nature, and ourselves (we are a part of nature by the way). We are failing to take care of ourselves (mind, body spirit), in the same way we are failing to take care of the land that gives us habitat. This is because we aren’t taking the time to connect, and listen to what nature needs. Instead we tread along listening to the politicians, medical doctors, climate scientists, big corporations, our bosses, and our family members, for answers that are right inside of us all along. We have outsourced almost every bit of our power to someone or something else. As a result we have the blind leading the parade, and many are afraid to step out of this structure that we have relied on for many years. The thing is we have to step out of this power structure, and into our own power in order to heal ourselves and our home. Luckily it is possible, and the opportunity is in your power right now. Nature is on our side.

The force of nature is highly intelligent. It is always pushing for homeostasis (aka balance) in everything, and in every way. Nature keeps score when things go out of balance, and nature will give us signs to work with to indicate what nature needs, until it has reached a certain threshold where nature will come crashing down, forcing all systems to rest until balance is reached again. For example if you overwork your body, it will tell you ever so politely that it is being overworked – through tiredness, aches and pains, and other subtle signs. The thing is: if you don’t listen to these signs and continue to overwork yourself, your body will force you to stop what you’re doing, by shutting down something in your body – whether it be extreme back pain, a pulled muscle, or other extreme healing responses in order to force you to stop what you’re doing to re-evaluate, and heal. This is True for all aspects of nature, whether it be your body, or the land. Unfortunately the norm in our society is misinterpreting this intelligent healing response of nature, and viewing these responses (aka ‘symptoms’) as something bad.

If you go to a doctor with a problem of any sorts; it could be a runny nose, an achy back, depression, or any sort of dis-ease in the body, the doctor will view these healing response to the toxic environment you are in, as something to suppress with drugs, procedures, pills, supplements, oils, or whatever else to stop the symptoms from expressing. This suppressive approach to health may be  killing us. It stops your body from excreting the toxicity/trauma/stress energy from your body, which causes stagnation, which leads to even more severe problems that could be avoided if we allowed nature to do it’s thing, and listened to what it needs. The same approach is true for the majority of our agricultural systems – we see a symptom – let’s say a pest problem – and we then try to suppress these symptoms, by applying toxic pesticides, which leads to more drastic problems like water table contamination, and the highest rates of disease we have ever seen. If we just listened to the call of nature, and assisted nature we would be living in natural equilibrium where pests are taken care of by diversity which allows for predators to keep the pest population in check. Go with the flow or get smashed by the wave. 

To achieve real health, wealth and happiness we need to listen to nature, because no matter what we think nature will always win. This requires an entire paradigm shift to how we approach the signs of nature. Instead of worrying and trying to suppress the real and metaphorical pimples coming through your skin, be glad first of all that your body is healing to keep you alive, and then ask how you can help your body express even more to help speed up the process. Hold deep love and non- judgement for yourself and others to allow for more ease in this process of healing.

Instead of suppressing, try expressing. Nature always knows without doubt. Tune in, and work with nature. With this mindset we can, and will heal ourselves, and the world. 

We are open to receiving donations in all forms of capital – whether it is tools, money, volunteer workforce, materials, supplies, and more. 

Are you ready to make real changes in the direction of resilience and health? Contact us – or 613-840-5630 to get your share today, or to donate, or if you have any questions.