
New Earth Permaculture

New Earth Permaculture is a dynamic business that was established with a main goal in mind: restoring environments – whether the be the environment of the body + mind, or the environment of nature itself. We integrate Yoga and Permaculture because we believe a balance with nature can only be achieved if we find balance within ourselves. Our current models in society fail to acknowledge the interconnectedness between humans and nature, and we are seeking to restore this through Yoga practise, and Permaculture design.

We provide a multitude of services, mainly budget conscious permaculture/ecological design and implementation, and contemperary yoga classes. View our services pages to learn more.

Our Vision

Our vision is ultimately balance and harmony. Balance with ourselves, each other, and nature. This is why we offer both Yoga, and Permaculture design as our main services. Yoga practise to balance the body in order to apply permaculture principles to balance the land.

We see the world is in desperate need of healing. We aim to heal the land we live on, the bodies we inhabit, and the relationships we find ourselves in, whether it be with other human beings, or other animals and plants.

our goals

Connecting Organic Farmers + Small Business

We’re currently working on a network of organic food farmers, and holistic small businesses to keep money in the community, instead of allowing it to leak out into the hands of questionable big corporations. 


We think that everyone deserves access to healthy organic food and clean water. We are working to empower individuals, families, and communities to grow their own healthy food so fresh organic food can be right in their backyard. 


Tough times have shown us that our food chain supply is not resilient to supply chain breakdowns, and that is why we are seeking to empower local communities to grow their own food, store their own seeds and food. At the end of the day you can’t eat money!

Health and Wellbeing

Many struggle to stay healthy in a world full of not-so-obvious toxins, and as a result we aim to inform people about the hazards of modern day toxins, while strengthening our detoxification and rejuvenation systems, through healthy eating, healthy movement, and a healthy mindset. After all health is the ultimate wealth!

Restoring environments

We aim to regenerate a wide variety of environments ranging from your own body to the entire world. It’s about achieving more than just sustainability, but rather  abundance

Our ethics


The first of the three permaculture ethics, Earthcare is about allowing natural systems to not only survive, but to thrive. This comes hand in hand with realizing that we as humans are not separate from nature, and whenever we hurt the natural world, we are essentially hurting ourselves. When we die we turn into soil, which then gives life to other creatures, which then makes up the entire ecosystem. This is proof we are a part of nature. We’re all connected. 

Here at New Earth Permaculture we deeply care and respect for the land. This means moving away from an extractivist mindset, into a regenerative respect based mindset where when we harvest we ensure the necessary energy is re – invested into the ecosystem. Give for each of your gets!


We need to care for one another. When human needs our met wonderful things can happen, and when they are not met the opposite is true. Most of the time it is a deep listening that allows us to see how we can care and show up for people to help. 

At New Earth Permaculture we deeply love and respect others. We aim to provide healthy non-judgemental spaces in our group gatherings, and genuinely want to see people succeed and grow. We are open to accepting feedback about our ability to care and provide safe spaces for people to explore themselves and nature. 

“Look and listen for the welfare of the whole people and have always in view not only the present, but also the coming generations” 

-The Great Law of Peace, Constitution of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Nation

Fair Share:

Stagnant energy in all systems, whether it is an economy, ecosystem, or water flow, will cause major problems. Nature will always aim to generate surplus, and the critical part for a functioning system is that this surplus is recycled back into the system this happens naturally, and we can design our systems to function this way. When the abundance shows we aim to recirculate it into the people + land (aka earth ecosystem) in whichever way fits best for all the entire ecosystem. 

There is enough for everyone’s need, but not everyone’s greed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Permaculture is a term coined by Bill Mollison, and simply put it means permanent culture, or permanent agriculture. The main goal of permaculture is to create harmony with ourselves, between people, and with the planet. It is a movement that is turning our negative impact into a positive impact – benefiting all.


  • Uses nature as our guide
  • Thinks holistically 
  • Is solution based
  • Is a design system 
  • Is based on co-operation and connections 
  • Creates abundance and harmony.

Permaculture has a set of core ethics, and values, unlike other ecological design branches like biomimicry which  has no set core ethics that guide the observations and applications of those findings.